站长推荐:手机看毛片神器-百万部成人电影免费下载!东京热-加勒比海盗 |
站长推荐:手机看毛片神器-百万部成人电影免费下载!东京热-加勒比海盗 |
如果医生认为是因为细菌引起,可以用 doxycycline 或者 trimethoprim-sulfa 治疗。Ibuprofen 也可以用于止痛。如果医生觉得是因为尿液倒流到膀胱,再进入前列腺,那么就要用减少尿液倒流的药物。有些医生建议有前列腺炎的人,可以通过自慰或者性交,经常射精,来治疗这个毛病。饮食控制似乎没有什么效果,除非辛辣的食物可能会加重病情。(注:说明美国的医生认为自慰非但没有坏处,而且可以治疗前列腺炎。从这篇医生写的专业文章中,那些所谓自慰会导致前列腺炎的封建迷信的谬论,是不攻自破。)
Who is likely to develop prostatitis?
Acute prostatitis is likely to be seen in sexually active males who are at risk for sexually transmitted infection. Adolescent males who do not use barrier methods such as condoms are at a higher risk for acquiring a sexually transmitted infection, and gonorrhea is one of the most common in that age group. Also, males who are prone to urinary tract infections could have a higher chance that bacteria from the infection could infect the prostate gland. No particular subset of adolescent males is prone to non-bacterial prostatitis or prostatodynia.
How is prostatitis treated?
The approach to non-bacterial prostatitis and prostatodynia is several fold depending on what is believed to be the cause of the problem. If the clinician feels there is a bacterial cause, then medications including doxycyline or trimethoprim-sulfa may be used. Analgesics including ibuprofen may also be recommended. If the clinician feels the problem is due to refluxing of urine from the bladder into the prostate, then medications aimed at reducing the change of reflux will be prescribed. Some clinicians recommend regular ejaculations by masturbation or with a partner for individuals affected with this disorder. Dietary restrictions are probably of no help unless spicy foods seem to aggravate the symptoms.
How is prostatitis prevented?
Since the etiology of non-bacterial prostatitis and prostatodynia are not known, there are no recommended preventive measures.
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关键字: 自慰 导致 男性 会不会 ? 前列腺炎
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